Welcome NEWCOMERS! We invite you with great joy to become a member of our parish. We the clergy, staff, and volunteers of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish extend a warm and inviting welcome to new and prospective parishioners!
We invite you to complete the registration process in the Parish Office. Your official registration will help us to serve you best. For example, for registered parishioners, we are able to issue letters of verifcation in connection with sponsorship for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Matrimony. In addition, we send important email and printed mailouts to our registered parishioners.
To register as a member of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish just pick up an enrollment form and census form located in the vestibule. You may put the completed forms in the collection basket or mail to the office. We will contact you soon to complete the process.
We very much look forward to meeting you in person. And thank you!